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公開日 2019/12/26 10:56

音元出版会長 和田光征の「巻頭言」2019年12月:転換期を迎えた音元出版のこと

音元出版会長 和田光征











In the spring of 1990 I placed an ad for new employees in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper. From among the applicants who sent in personal histories, we selected some to take the entrance exam. Our managers at that time carried out the first interview, and I, as president, conducted the final interview. On the day of the exam, I went to look at the room on the first floor where the written test was to be held, and I was glad to see about 10 people waiting by the elevator. One of them, a young woman with short hair, stood out from the rest.

I myself set the questions for the written test in Japanese. Some of the questions must have puzzled the examinees. For example, I asked them to state their thoughts about the single phrase “The flowers blossomed.” In this question, I wanted to ask them about the passage of time---in other words, the fact that the flowers were blossoming again this year just as they had the year before. But almost all the replies were to the effect that the “cherry blossoms had come out.”

At that time, I also had a liking for the poetry of Choku Kanai, so I used it in a question. I asked examinees to comment on that feeling of irritation when you return to a dark wooden room and, in the darkness, cannot find the cord hanging down from the light. One of the examinees wrote, “Just like me at the moment!” I was extremely impressed by this sensitivity. The examinee turned out to be the young woman I had noticed earlier. In the interview, I beamed when she said, “I want to join a company that asks that kind of question!”

Because she lacked experience, however, that woman was not among the applicants selected by the other examiners. Astounded and angered by their inability to spot a person’s virtues, I announced that this woman was my choice. Later one of the other examiners told me they had decided not to choose her because they knew that I would anyway.

A year earlier I had been hospitalized with a serious illness. The company fell into a state of confusion, and trouble—something like a coup—was brewing. When I got better and was discharged from hospital, I went straight to the office and cleared out the troublemakers. My lightning strike even became a talking point in business circles.

I also went to meet the wife of one of the leading troublemakers to explain the situation and apologize for having had to make him quit the company. “It is my husband’s fault,” she replied, “doing a thing like that when you had done so much for him. I can’t forgive him either.” Later, they were to divorce.

It was against this background that we held the examination for new recruits, and the young woman and a few others came on board. I had the feeling that my grand reform of the company was going to lead to better times and that this young woman would play a central role. She was like an angel sent down to us from heaven. The employees who joined us in 1990 were to grow and write a new chapter in Ongen Publishing’s history.



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