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公開日 2019/06/28 20:24

音元出版社長 和田光征の「巻頭言」2019年6月:韓国に思いを馳せる

音元出版社長 和田光征













Thanks a Lot, Mr. Chun!

Mr. Chun was born in Korea. He graduated from the prewar Japanese middle school and then from Seoul National University, where, I was amazed to hear, he studied alongside Kim Young-san, who later became president of South Korea. It was around 1980 that Mr. Chun visited me together with Tereon President Shichinojo Suzuki.

Mr. Chun wanted to translate a Japanese audio magazine and publish it in South Korea. He had taken his proposal to a lot of Japanese publishing companies then issuing audio magazines, but to no avail, so he had approached Mr. Suzuki, an acquaintance of his. “There’s someone I want you to meet,” Mr. Suzuki told him. “Let’s go there right now.” Mr. Suzuki immediately contacted me, and the two of them came to my office.

After listening to Mr. Chun’s explanation, I replied, “I understand. Mr. Chun, Japan caused a lot of trouble to your country not only during the war but ever since the Meiji period. I am sincerely sorry for that. Accordingly, I won’t accept a single penny for this work. Please go ahead and make audio fans in South Korea as happy as possible.” “That’s great, Mr. Chun,” chirped in Mr. Suzuki. “Congratulations!” We all shook hands and hugged one another.

The first thing that surprised me when I met Mr. Chun was his fluency in Japanese. And not only conversation, he could also write kanji, hiragana, and katakana even more correctly and neatly than Japanese. I felt sure that in his hands, the publication of a translated edition of Audio Accessory would go well.

Around the time when the videotape market was becoming lively, from the perspective of the industry’s development, I had the idea of encouraging foreign makers to enter the Japanese market as well. I had already built good relations with Japanese makers and had made contact with the likes of Scotch in the United States and BASF in Germany. Maybe, I thought, the encounter with Mr. Chun would be a good chance for me to reach out to the South Korean firms that interested me, such as Samsung, Lucky-Goldstar (now LG Corporation), and Sunkyong (now the SK Group).

I contacted Mr. Chun and asked him about the possibility of interviewing Lucky-Goldstar. Within two weeks, the arrangements had been made. On the flight to Seoul, I found myself by chance sitting next to the prime minister of the Vatican. Thanks to Mr. Chun’s mediation, two senior officials of Lucky-Goldstar had already visited Ongen Publishing in Japan, and when I visited Seoul, they held an evening dinner for me. They were delighted when I presented them with crosses that the Vatican prime minister whom I had befriended on the flight had given to me.

I was amazed that when I asked Mr. Chun to make arrangements, leading figures of Korean makers agreed to let me talk with them. I met people at Sunkyong and the presidents of importing trade companies, and I became friends with the son of South Korean President Chun Doo-hwan. My contacts with the president’s family in particular included interviews and rounds of golf together with then Denon President Mitsushige Sakamoto.

When I visited Seoul, I was often taken to the mountain fortress there. Unlike castles in Japan, this really was a fortress on top of a mountain. Later I went to Kinojo Castle in Okayama, which is the legendary stronghold of ogres in the famous Momotaro folktale. I was amazed that it was so like the fortress in South Korea. Mr. Chun also showed us around when we had a company trip to Busan, making it a very enjoyable excursion.

Thanks to befriending Mr. Chun, I was able in this way to meet various prominent persons and to visit the wonderful sites of South Korea. For me, Mr. Chun was a very kindly neighbor. For him, I was a savior and close friend.

The reason why I am writing about Mr. Chun here lies in a novel that I recently encountered. Browsing through the Tokyo Shimbun newspaper during dinner one evening, I noticed an article headlined “Korean novel becomes unusual hit.” Titled Kim Ji-young, Born 1982, the novel depicts the discrimination and distress experienced by a woman in her everyday life. She faces a gap with men in seeking work, is forced to quit her job after childbirth, and has to put up with things and suffer naturally just because she is female. Wondering what the situation was like for women in our company, I decided that I really must read the book. And the thought of South Korea brought back memories of Mr. Chun . . .



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