福岡県出身。工学院大学で電子工学を専攻。その後、電機メーカー勤務を経て、技術 系高校の教師というキャリアを持つ。現在、日本工学院専門学校の講師で、音響・ホー ムシアターの授業を受け持つ。教鞭をとっている経験から、初心者向けに難しい話題 をやさしく説明するテクニックには特に定評がある。
He graduated from Kogakuin Unversity with a degree in electronics. After his work at electronic company, he gave courses in a technical high school. Now, he teaches over sound and hometheater technologies in Nihon Kogakuin technical college. His career as a critic is supported by his rich experience as a teacher.His way of critisizm, talking complicate subjects much more simple,is popular among audio beginners. He uses a CRT projector with his own hometheater. He loves to enhance continuously his audio visual theater. |